Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My Valentines...

I LOVE Valentines Day, I think its so fun to have a reason to suprise the boys with little fun toys and candy. We always make a special treat, usually its chocolate covered strawberries and raspberries. I always try to find ways make it a fun day.

To my two "little" Valentines,

I cant believe you are 6 years old. You have turned into such a great kid, I am so proud of you. You always try your best and are always kind to others. You always like to try new things and meet new people, you can make a new friend anywhere we go. You are so handsome. Girls have always loved you! You have always been my little sidekick. It was you and I for almost 4 and a half years! We took you EVERYWHERE! You always were such a good baby, we could take you anywhere and you were content. You are such a good big brother. I know Pey can be mean at times but, he loves you so much and I am so glad he has such a great example to look up too. I love how sweet and sensitive you are. You always help me out. I love seeing things through your eyes. I love all the funny things you say. You are so smart. Too smart sometimes for your own good. You are a good skiier. You have some pretty good dance moves. You are good at reminding me of things. You are responsible. You are a good swimmer. You take directions very well. You get 100% on your spelling tests all the time! You are a great shopping buddy. You are such a big boy and I love you more and more each day. I am so happy I have you!
B- Braxton is so awesome!
R- Radical
A- Always has a good attitude
X- Xtrordinary
T- Talented
O- O so silly
N- Needed

My little sweet pey-pey. You are my baby. I have always been so protective of you since the day you were born. You are so beautiful. Everyone always has something to say about your dashing good looks. Mostly your eyes and your curly curly hair. You are a handful but, I wouldnt have you be any other way. You keep me on my toes. You have taught me to be more patient. I love how you wake me up in the mornings- yelling MOM, GET ME OUT! ME POOPED! I have never seen a child on such a schedule as you are. You make me smile. You know when you are naughty and I can never stay mad at you- even if you did color all over mommy's white leather couch with permanent marker. You are growing up so fast- It makes me sad you are not a baby anymore. It makes me excited for the fun times to come. I love that you carry around your blanky and always have to have your binky. You remind me of Linus on Snoopy. I love our cuddle time watching Blues Clues before you go to bed. You make me smile. I love you more and more each day. You bring so much joy to my life, I am so blessed to have you!
P- Plays with Cars, motorcycles, tractors
E- Easily Excited
Y- Y you are so cute!
T- Throws some good tantrums
O-Over the top
N- Never a dull moment