Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Pey-Pey!!

My baby boy turns 2 years old tomorrow December. 29th. It is crazy how time flies, I cant believe he is turning 2. It seriously seems like yesterday I brought him home from the hospital. I love that kid so dang much! He is such a busy boy, Always into something- There really never is a dull moment with him. He fills our lives with so much joy. I couldnt imagine life without him:) Happy Birthday Baby! I love You! We had a little birthday party for him last saturday with just a few of his little friends and mine:) We went to Mcdonalds and played on the toys and ate mcnuggets and cake, it was rockin! Happy Birthday buddy!
Peyton blowing out his candles


Kenna watchin that cake:)

Peyton and Mae

Going down the slide

Opening presents!


More Presents!


Well Christmas was great, Everyone had an Awesome day. The boys got spoiled as usual. Braxton got an Ipod ( yes he is 6), some video games and legos. Peyton got a lot of cars, tractors and his very own Motorcycle- for him to ride. Christmas is always such a busy day but I wouldnt have it any other way, I love being around all of our family. It wouldnt be Christmas without all the Chaos:) Anyway, here are a few captured moments..

Playing in the Snow:)

Peyton Shoveling

Peyton very sad after being knocked down by the Dog:(

Happy Again!

Daddy and Pey

Monday, December 15, 2008

The 3rd Annual Ugly Sweater Partay!

Me and Katie
Dee and Jer


Me, Katie and Kellen

Dee and Stella the dog

The Girls

Monday, December 8, 2008


We went to Vegas over the weekend as one last hoora before Dee goes back to work on tuesday(tomorrow). We had a blast! It was so much fun. We stayed at the coolest place, it was a timeshare called the West Gate at Flamingo bay, It was basically like a really nice apartment. It had a fireplace, its own kitchen, washer and dryer, and a freakin hot tub in the bedroom. It was great. We were only there for 2 days but we did a lot of fun things, We ate at some really amazing resturaunts like Sushi Roku in Cesars Palace and Emerils Agassi's place at the MGM and we went and saw the Cirque du Soleil show, KA. It was the Coolest show I have ever seen, if you go to Vegas- GO! We shopped of course and slept in! It was a well needed vacation but we are happy to be back home with the boys:) Thanks to Mom and Ra and Clint for babysitting, you guys are the best!
Our room
Dee and our room

Shopping at the outlets

The Tiger cage at the MGM

Shaq's ginormous hands

Our view of the strip from a resturaunt we ate at the first night called Sushi Roku at Cesars palace

The Forum Shops

The Strip

Harley Davidson Cafe

M&M world

A giant PSP taken for Braxton

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving at Grandma Cheryl's

Peyton and Talib ( My step brothers son)

Shay and Nicky Poo (future hubby)

Dane and Bradli Jo (my step bro and his girlfriend)

Rania and Clint
They just announced they have a baby on the way!
Congrats guys! Cant wait!

I got a new CAMERA! WHOO HOO!

YAY! Dee bought me a new Camera so I can finally blog again! Im so excited! It was supposed to be for Christmas but lucky for me, he cant keep a surprise to save his life:) So here are some precious moments I captured.. Braxton and I on his bed making funny faces and Peyton and I walking around with tissues in our noses. I have had a cold the past week and my nose is like a freakin faucet! He wanted to be like mommy:) Enjoy.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Costume Contest

Well.. We lost. Its ok though, It was fun anyway! There were over 200 kids that were entered, which was CRAZY! We dont need $500 to tell us that we have a little cutie:) Thanks to everyone that voted for him though! Maybe next year:)

Monday, November 10, 2008

So.. Sadly I lost my camera about 3 weeks ago. That is why there has not been a post since halloween. Im SO mad about it, but it was bound to happen at some point. Dee tells me I would lose my head if it were not attached. Which is sad but very true:) I lose EVERYTHING! Anyway, nothing too new is happening with the McCormick family. Dee is doing better everyday, he still has not gone back to work- he probably will next month. Braxton is being a good big brother and doing great in first grade. We had parent /teacher conferences last week and he did awesome in everything but his handwriting. We are working on that... Peyton is in a Costume contest, Im sure you all have been badgered by me through e-mail, facebook, texting, or all of them! Im sorry if im annoying you but I think it would be Awesome if he won, even though it is just for fun! $500 bucks is a lot of money to just have handed to you cause you have a cute kid!( and great friends that vote for him) So again, if you have not voted-you still can. Voting ends Nov.13th at noon. Go to, click on jack-o-cuties, he is entry #8 on the 0-2 category. I wont bug you anymore:) As for me, I am just chillin. I have just been working and being a mom. I have been in the Christmas spirit which is way weird for me, I usually gag at the sight of christmas trees, music and lights anytime before thanksgiving but this year I LOVE it and am so excited for the holidays! Not so much for the snow we are going to have for the next 8 months! but excited none the less:) Anyway, till next time. I bid you adieu:)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

So I have been wanting Braxton to be Elvis for years and he never would so I had to make Peyton before he had a say, I love it!!  I also entered this picture in a costume contest on the radio station 97.1 zht.  You can vote on Nov. 6th, so everyone please vote for Elvis!  If you go to the website( click on Jack-O-Cuties, He is entry #8, Thanks!
Army man Braxton
Peyton and Dee decorating a pumpkin
Peyton and another little boy at Carsons school parade (He didnt want to be Elvis)